(D) Brightfield images of KP4 cell morphology when grown in 2D monolayer following KO of KO cell lines

(D) Brightfield images of KP4 cell morphology when grown in 2D monolayer following KO of KO cell lines. elife-45313-fig6-data1.xlsx (19K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.45313.020 Physique 7source data 1: OPN loss impairs growth of basal-like PDA. elife-45313-fig7-data1.xlsx (16K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.45313.022 Supplementary file 1: Human and mouse primer sequences Nandrolone propionate used in the study. elife-45313-supp1.docx (184K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.45313.023 Supplementary file 2: … Continue reading (D) Brightfield images of KP4 cell morphology when grown in 2D monolayer following KO of KO cell lines